Greetings and good news, friends!
We finished the Life Cube campaign on IndieGoGO, raising over $19,000 (far exceeding our goal of $15,000!!) this year from more than 200 donors. Every dollar will help offset costs of lumber, lights, tools, tickets, generators, fuel, trucks and transportation, and all sorts of other expenses we incur to construct and burn the Cube this year. We’re all so grateful for your ideas, donations and support.
I’m amazed at the impact this project has had, and continues to have on those who participate. You can be proud that your donation has joined with others to turn a dream into reality. NOTE to Burners: The Life Cube will be located at 3:05 and 1,500 feet from the Man and will burn Friday, Aug 30 at 10PM.
Please send your goals and wishes to and I will deposit them into The Life Cube at Burning Man myself, or you can send them via postal mail to:
skeeter Artist, The Life Cube Burning Man Camp Titicaca 4:20/Commerce C/O BRCPO Burning Man Gerlach, NV 89412
You have no idea of how meaningful your support has been to me, and to the entire Life Cube team.
With huge appreciation, Love,
scotte (skeeter on the playa)
#indiegogo #art #burningmanart #TheLifeCube #thelifecubeprojectlifecubeproject #ENVISIONTheLifeCube #Cubelifecubelifecubeprojectlifecubelifecubeproject #BM2013 #thelifecubeartprojectatburningman #lifecubeproject #lifecubeproject #wishcube #skeeter #artartatburningmanartatburningmanbm2011bm2012BM2012BurningManburningman2011BurningMan2011artburningman2012burningmanartburningmanburningmanlifecubeskeeterTheLifeCubeThe #cargocult #blackrockcity #lifecube #artburningman #fundraising #lifecube #scottcohen #artatburningman #TheLifeCube #BurningMan