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TheParagraph size "Stupid Business Decision of the Week" goes to SONY!  I just purchased a new super-duper laptop, the SONY SZ480 which came with a "ATT/CINGULAR 2 MONTH TRIAL". 

While traveling, the wireless did not work.  After spending about 2 hours on the phone with tech support, the wireless works, but was running slow and then dropping.  I called back (another hour), to download drivers, and all sorts of fixes.  It was working again, but still really slow.  I asked the tech support guy, Dave, who finally admitted that the Cingular Network was just a little faster than dial-up. 

So, here’s the deal.  You buy a terrific computer with a built in wireless card that hooks up to the slowest network out there!  What were they thinking.  Cingular should be ashamed to be offering such a bad product, and SONY made a terrible decision to offer this instead of Verizon or SPRINT.  So for an extra few bucks you might get from Cingular, you cost yourself 4 hours of tech support, a dissatisfied customer, and earned the "Stupid Business Decision of the Week Award"!

QUESTION:  What city was I in?  ANSWER:  LA, NY, Seattle, and Chicago.

Question:  Did you tell SONY you were going to BLOG this?  Answer:  YES!  I begged them to have a supervisor call.  I was recorded on the customer service call.  I strongly suggested they have someone call and explain why they selected to include Cingular in this otherwise fine piece of equipment. 

Wireless broadband access anywhere, anytime for your laptop using a PCMCIA card. 

TAGS:  SONY, CINGULAR, AT&T, ATT, VERIZON, SPRINT, Broadband Internet, wireless broadband, Cingular Wireless, Sprint Communications, PCMCIA card, Verizon Communications Inc., laptop computer, wireless, broadband

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